Turtle Pond Model Yacht Club
Peachtree City, Georgia
Boat Classes
Our club sails two AMYA sanctioned classes: DragonFlite 95 and East Coast (EC) 12 Meter

DragonFlite 95
The DragonFlite 95 is a Restricted One Design boat that is meant to compete within a strict set of rules to ensure a true test of a skipper.s ability to tune their boat and race it well. Additionally, this 950mm boat is of high quality for a modest price. The DF95 is sold without transmitter or receiver for $345 or ready to race with transmitter and receiver for $399. The DF95 comes with a carbon fiber keel, Mylar sails, and a one piece carbon mast, all cutting edge components. It can be on the water in a few hours and assembled by a person with no experience building boats.
Its sailings characteristics are such that it is easily sailed by a beginner but offers exceptional performance for the seasoned skipper. Going upwind it sails as if on rails and downwind, because of its light weight and nice water line, is quick and agile.
East Coast (EC) 12 Meter (EC-12)
The EC-12 is one of the one-design classes comprising the AMYA-recognized fleet. Class specifications govern virtually every aspect of these yachts from hull and sail design to permitted remote controlled functions. Approximately 5 feet long, with a mast standing about six feet over the deck, the EC-12 weighs in at about twenty-three pounds.
Originally a towing tank model for a Charlie Morgan twelve meter, the EC-12 can be transported in all but the smallest of cars, sailed in shallow waters, and in winds from mere zephyrs to light gales. The hull is shaped so as to shed dead leaves and other flotsam and jetsam, an important feature when sailing on inland lakes.